Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Just Si and me

The older two were with Grandma today and Ryan had to work late so I got to spend the entire afternoon and evening with Si-guy.  It started off with a bike ride home.  It was such a beautiful afternoon so I thought we would take advantage of it!  This is definitely a bonus of having a Dayhome so close to home!

We got home and had a snack.  Since Silas has decided that he is no longer eating supper, snacks have become slightly bigger and are always balanced.  The problem with supper today?  There were small peppers in it.  Apparently, he only eats big pieces of pepper.  Preferably orange ones.

We then played some trains.  Silas still wants a 'train with no eyes' and tells me that.  Every.  Single.  Day.  He specifically wants a yellow train, with no eyes.

After supper, we went to draw with some chalk.  Silas happily turned the pictures and shapes into 'spiders' by adding legs to everything.

And then Silas finally cut the grass.  Yes, with a chainsaw.  Because that's just how 3-year-olds roll...

Add in another bike ride, some fun with friends and maybe a few meltdowns, (because what day would be complete without a meltdown or two) and that sums up our afternoon and evening.  Just Si-guy and me.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sweet dreams...

Silas read himself to sleep tonight.  He was amazed by the trains in the book.  He kept telling me, "Mama!!!  These choo-choos?  They no have EYES!  Can I buy a choo-choo with no eyes?  But morrow, when I done seeeee-ping.  Mama, look!  This yellow choo-choo have no eyes too!"
He was beside himself about the eye-less trains.  And fell asleep looking at them.  Sweet dreams, Si-guy...

Back to school...

Wow. I haven't posted anything in a long while. July was fun, but busy and August seemed to be filled with sick children.  Thankfully, everyone seems to be back to themselves, healthy and ready to start the school year!

Caleb was super excited about school. He really loves it, which is great. And amazing to me because he struggles so much. But he is in a program that is a perfect fit for him. And he is thriving. He has a new teacher this year, and I think he is going to have a great year!

First day of grade 5

Sophie was less excited. I always thought she would love school. But she doesn't. I am hopeful that this year her teacher can make her excited to learn so that she begins to enjoy school a little more. I'm fairly certain she just tolerates it, because on school days she also goes to before school care and eats lunch at daycare. And she loves daycare.

First day of grade 2

I can't believe that my baby is old enough for school.  He was accepted into the Early Ed. Program because of a speech delay so even though he is still 3, he will be going to school this fall too.  It's a big month for him-a new Dayhome, new school and a new bus. There was a mix up with the bus and a lost address change form so he won't be officially starting school for a week or so, but I was able to bring him in today for a bit of a staggered entry. Before he started, he told me that school was too scary and the monsters there would scare him. Once he saw the trains, he was fine.  He loved the ball pit in the gym and sang row, row, row your boat.

A little apprehensive before his first day of school

He ended up loving it, and did not want to leave when it was time to get Caleb and Sophie. And he then proceeded to throw himself on the floor. At least his teachers know that he is not only cute...he is spirited, feisty and opinionated as well.