Friday, April 29, 2011


This post is for Caleb.  He had a rough start to the school year.  Truthfully, he had a rough start to school.  I felt like his school gave up on him before they even really tried to help him.  In Kindergarten, it wasn't so bad but as he neared the end of that year, the suggestion of him switching schools came.  And it came up again, and again, and again.  I resisted for what seemed like a long time.  I wanted the school to find a way to teach him.  I didn't want them to pass him off to someone else where we would start all over.  Plus, Caleb was happy where he was.  He liked his school.  He liked his classmates.  And he never complained about going.  Plus, change is hard for Caleb.  He doesn't like it.

After numerous referrals and various tests, I gave in.  Shortly after this school year started, Caleb started a new school.  He was put in a different program.  One with small class sizes and other students who have the same struggles that he has.  He has a teacher who is used to working with students who need a little extra help.  At his old school, it was a chore to modify something for him.  Now it is not uncommon.  Caleb is able to answer questions orally for exams, if needed.  Sometimes they do their spelling tests on the computers.  He is encouraged to try his hardest and is challenged but his teacher sets things up so that he is able to succeed.  He isn't pushed to move on until he is confident.  The students are encouraged to help each other and they celebrate all accomplishments.

I am just amazed at how much he has accomplished academically this year.  In September, he couldn't tell you all of the letter names and he certainly didn't know what sounds they made.  Now he sounds out words that he doesn't know, is able to read signs when we are driving and does not get discouraged with the readers that he brings home.  His teacher last year would tell me that he was always getting distracted.  He still gets distracted this year but his new teacher has strategies in place to help with that.  Last year, he was out of place in his class.  Last year, every meeting started with the suggestion of Caleb switching school and all of the reasons why.  This year, the meetings start with his achievements and positive things about him mixed with things that he still needs to work on.  Caleb got an A this year.  He only has one subject where he is working below grade level.  He got an award today for showing responsibility.  We are so proud of him.  He has grown more than I was expecting-both academically and emotionally.  Yes, there are still challenges and areas that he is not 'where he should be'.  But he is happy.  He is becoming more confident.  And he is proud of what he has accomplished already.  And we are so unbelievably proud of him.  ♥

Change can be scary.  And hard.  But it can also be good.  And this was definitely a positive change.  If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies.  And Caleb is certainly learning to fly this year.

Way to go Caleb!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo...

Who needs animals at the zoo when you have a train!

This was Sophie's favourite part of the zoo today.  The train that doesn't move.  We spent a good chunk of time there today.  And she had so much fun.

She loved 'driving' Caleb to the see the red pandas and the otters.  Caleb would jump off the train, go look at the animals and then jump back on so she could take him somewhere else.

Sophie was disappointed that there were no pony rides today.  I'm sure that is her main reason for going to the zoo. We were able to get up close and personal with the tiger though.  Since it was so cool out, he was walking around and he kept coming right up to the window.  He seemed to really like the puppy that Sophie brought with her.  Maybe he thought it was lunch?

Silas was all smiles as he waited for the tiger to walk towards him.  He thought it was just fantastic.

Until the tiger was right in front of him.  Then he wasn't so sure.

It was a fun day for everyone.  Caleb even won a prize at the elephant talk which really made his day.  He was so proud of himself.  The kids are ready to go back.  Especially Sophie.  She still needs to see the ponies.