Saturday, February 26, 2011


The kids asked to take swimming and since Caleb's Tae Kwon Doe was ending, I registered them.  I tried to find a time when all three of them could take lessons at the same time but I didn't have any luck.  Caleb and Sophie both love the water and we really don't go swimming as often as we should.  When I registered them, I thought 9:30 on Sunday morning was a good time.  I mean we are usually awake anyway.  I have now decided that it is not a great time because waking up before 9:30 and being ready for lessons, at the pool at 9:30 are 2 different things.  Especially in the winter.  When it is cold.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just like my brother

Silas wants to be involved in everything his big brother is doing.  Caleb is all about lego lately but that is not the best toy for teething babies so we pulled out the duplo...he loves it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Sophie!!

Wow!!  I can't believe my baby girl is already 5!  It doesn't seem like that long ago that she was born.  And now she such a spirited, creative girl who is constantly singing and dancing.  And changing her clothes.  I gave up long ago telling Sophie what to wear.  Luckily, she loves 'princess' dresses so if I want her to wear something specific for a special occasion, she is always happy to do it.  She was barely walking when she took off the outfit that I had picked out for her (I think it was green), climbed up the change table in her closet and pulled down the frilliest pink dress she had.  I wish I had a picture of her outfit the other day.   She was wearing every colour and size of stripe imaginable...multi-striped leggings...multi-striped skirt...and a shirt with brown and white stripes on the sleeves.  When I asked if she wanted some plain leggings or a denim skirt she looked at me as if I was crazy.  She told me that it matched perfectly-it was all striped.

Here she is on her birthday...

When I told her we should take a picture of her on her birthday she had to run and get her hat that she got at school.  She was very proud of it.  She also needed to wear the necklace that she got from her cousins.

I absolutely love her shirt.  I found it on sale too-for about 5$.  It says 'little girl, big dreams' and I think that sums up Sophie.  She is constantly making up songs and asking me to turn down the radio in the van so she can sing them.  Not long ago, she was singing away and all of the sudden looked at me in a panic and said "Quick, Mama!  I need a pencil and paper so I can write this song down!"

I told Sophie "Happy Birthday" as soon as she woke up on Friday and just could not understand that she was 5.  She kept looking herself up and down and then telling me that she was still 4 because she looked the same as the day before.

Happy Birthday baby girl!  I guess you're not really a baby anymore...but you still are pretty cute :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Caleb and Sophie both had blankies.  Caleb's broke a couple of years ago but Sophie is still using hers.  She is not as attached to it as she was even a couple of months ago.  But if she is sad, scared or sick she will ask for her 'tag' blankie.  Silas doesn't seem overly attached to any blanket yet.  Instead, he has a bunny.  And it is just the cutest thing to see him cuddled up with his bunny.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tired of Winter...

I am tired of winter.  I'm tired of the snow.  The cold.  The ice.  I think Silas is tired of it too-specifically his snowsuit, his tuque and his mitts.  Caleb and Sophie, on the other hand, are not done with winter quite yet. They don't like the extreme cold but are ready to go play in the piles and piles of snow as soon as the weather warms up.

This is their first snowman of the season.

And Sophie at the top of the "mountain" beside our house.

They use it for a toboggan hill when we don't want to walk to the big one.

And poor Caleb got his at-school injury that required a phone call home.  Of course, I wasn't home at the time but it wasn't too bad.  I guess it bled a lot and that kind of scared him.  He did get to stay inside with his teacher at recess though and he quite enjoyed that.

New Beds

The kids are enjoying their new bunk beds.  Sophie loves sharing a room with Caleb.  She says that night time isn't so scary anymore.  And Caleb hasn't complained about sharing a room...yet.   I asked Caleb what he thought about his bunk bed the first night that he slept there and he said that it was pretty good but a little bit "bunky.  But all bunk beds are like that so there's not much we can do about it".   I'm not sure what exactly "bunky" means but he seems happy so I guess it doesn't matter!

Caleb has taken "keep the little toys away from Silas" to a whole new level.   His favourite place to play with lego is on the top bunk.  He has also tried to hide things from Sophie by keeping them up there.

Of course since they've moved rooms they want to paint the walls.  And they have it all figured out.  One wall pink, one purple and 2 green.  Sounds....colourful.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fashion Designer-In-Training

Sophie has been busy lately.   She loves to dress up her dolls in all sorts of outfits.  She does have some actual doll clothes but I've had a hard time finding them for a decent price.  That doesn't stop her...she is more than willing to find things to make into clothes.  I may need to invest in a sewing machine when she gets bigger.