Wednesday, February 29, 2012

You want me to sleep?

What do you mean, I can't stay up as late as I want?  

I am nearly 2, you know...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Caleb wanted so badly to do the 'Jedi Training' while we were in Disney World.  Unfortunately, we were not able to get to the park early enough to register.  He was very excited to get a cloak for Christmas from his Aunt and Uncle and he has been training ever since...

I love this picture.  He looks so young.  So innocent.  And ready to take on the world.  Or the Dark side, least that's what he tells me.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Dress Up!

Why, yes!  I do have an older sister!  And she told me that you need a princess dress if you are going to the ball.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Feeling Blue, Silas?

This is what happens when a certain older sister leaves the ink out where Silas can reach it...

Silas was so proud of himself.  And so excited to show Ryan when he walked through the door.

 Did you know that 'washable' blue ink is not as washable as you may think?  On a positive note-I was able to make supper without a toddler screaming.  Of course, that should have been my first clue that he was up to no good...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

And then, she was 6.

Wow.  I can't believe Sophie is 6.  Caleb is almost 9, Silas is nearly 2, and Sophie is 6.  It really does go by so fast.  Before I had kids, I heard that all the time but I still didn't realize how fast time seems to pass.  Sophie had a great day.  On her actual birthday, we spent the day with some terrific friends.  Both Sophie and Caleb had so much fun.  And then today, we went out for lunch to celebrate again.  Pictures, courtesy of my mom :)

Sophie modelling her birthday crown-

Silas.  And he only had pizza.  Just think how messy he would have been if he had been eating spaghetti.

Caleb.  Movies on tv.  Chocolate milk to drink.  What more do you need?

And finally-a candle to blow out on her birthday brownie.  She seemed quite overwhelmed by the singing but did finally blow out her candle....and eat her cake.

Happy 6th birthday!  I hope you enjoyed your special Sophie day and have fun being 6.