Monday, September 19, 2011

Taking Part

As shy as Sophie can be at times, she just loves being involved in everything.  She was absolutely thrilled when she was picked to help act out a story a couple of weekends ago at the Storytelling Festival at Fort Edmonton Park.  I absolutely love this picture.  She had a great time and it was fun to watch her become more comfortable as the story went on.  She really is becoming such a confident and independent girl.  And it is so great to see.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Who needs a pool...

...when you have a great big puddle?

Silas had no trouble cooling off this evening, splashing in the puddle out front.

Thankfully, the puddle was the result of a neighbour watering her lawn and not somebody washing their truck.  Especially since Silas discovered a new game.  When he leans over, puts his head in the water and looks upside down, everyone laughs.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Thank you so much to my cousin Erin who gave Silas this wonderful shirt-

I love it.  I think it is the perfect shirt for Silas, who has always been quite attached to me.  The past few days have been rough.  Silas has realized that I am working full time and seems to be even more attached than ever.  He is great when he is away from me (a big thanks to Andrea and my mom who watched my kids last week since my dayhome wasn't available yet) but as soon as I get home, he does not leave my side.  He has been spending a lot of time in the carrier again.  He has been asking to nurse frequently.  And the other morning he followed me around with his bowl of cereal.  If I stopped to do something, he would take a few bites but as soon as I moved to go do something else, he would pick up his bowl and follow me.  There have been a lot of tears these past few days if I even try to leave the room without him.  Hugs, baby boy.  You are breaking my heart...but I know we will both adjust.  You will have lots of fun at your new dayhome and I will get used to working every day again.  We will all get used to this new routine...and on days that seem more difficult I will tell myself that there are only 110 days or so until Christmas break.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Good Bye Summer, Hello School...

I can't believe that summer is over already.  I am definitely not ready for work, school and fall.  I am working full time this year and am already feeling the stress of that.  I'm already wondering if I've made the right decision and we haven't even made it through a full week yet.  I'm hoping once we get into the routine of school, daycare and work, it won't seem so bad.

Caleb and Sophie both started school today.  I've always done the 'first day of school' drop off.  This year, because of timing, Ryan brought them.  I think he liked it.  I asked him to take some pictures for me.  Usually, I just got one before putting Caleb on the bus but Ryan took a few for me.  Here are both kids outside the school-

Caleb was so excited to show Sophie her classroom.  When we talked about school last week, he didn't seem very excited.  He was definitely happier today.  I think he was glad to see his friends.  He is lucky enough to be in the same class as last year, with the same teacher.  I'm sure that helped him.  Change can be hard for him so knowing the teacher, the expectations and where to go made things easier, I'm sure.

Sophie was less than pleased to go to school.  I was a little surprised at how scared she was.  She has done many unparented programs.  Attended playschool.  Gone to a few different dayhomes.  I was expecting her to be excited.  She was the exact opposite.  She cried quite a bit the last night, repeating over and over that she was going to stay with Silas and Grandma.  She was better this morning but I could tell that she was still worried.

Of course, once she got in the class and met some friends, she was fine.

Overall, a great first day.  Neither one had any complaints.  Though Sophie did ask what took me so long.  I guess tomorrow I will have to try and get there sooner.