Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

 I love Christmas!  I love the energy and the excitement, the lights and music, visiting with friends and family.  The past few days have been pretty busy and the kids are looking forward to finally spending a day at home to play with their new toys.  Caleb is actually still sleeping this morning-at almost 10.  He seems to need the most sleep out of the 3.  It took a while for me to realize when Sophie was a baby that she just didn't need as much sleep as her older brother.  Silas seems to be more like his sister.  So far, he's not much of a fan of sleep.

Here is what has kept us busy the last couple of days...

Caleb, Sophie and Silas all dressed up for church

Sophie singing on Christmas Eve
Caleb singing.  It was hard to get a picture of him.
I always forget how small he is until he is in a big group with others his own age.
Silas on Christmas morning.
He LOVED all of the wrapping, bows and ribbons.
Christmas morning!  I couldn't find Christmas pyjamas that I liked this year
and finally settled on these.  Sophie kept exclaiming "It's a sleeping dress?!?!?!" 
Sophie was excited her princess gloves that she got from her aunt and uncle.
She was quite convinced that they would keep her hands warm outside and wore them all morning.
Silas eating Christmas dinner
Sophie and her cousin had matching dresses to wear
as well as matching flowers for their hair.
So cute!

We had a great Christmas this year and it's looking like it will be a relaxing Boxing day with the kids busy with their new toys and movies, Silas actually taking a nap and having one last family dinner.  Did I mention that I love Christmas?  ♥

Merry Christmas!!!

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