Thursday, March 21, 2013

Silas turns 3

I have not been able to keep up with this blogging thing lately.  At the beginning of the month, Silas turned 3.  I ask him all the time if he's a big boy and he always tells me that he's still a baby.

He has grown so much in the past couple of months.  All of the sudden, he's speaking in sentences, asking all sorts of questions and becoming so independent.  He was so excited to get "My lego for just me!!" 

He was thrilled with his train cake that my cousin Erin made for him. 

 He talked about it for days.  Isn't it fantastic??  I just love it!

Silas got a whole train to himself!

Thank you to everyone who helped him celebrate.  And Silas, I hope you enjoy being 3.  You are such a sweet and curious little guy.  Keep learning and growing.    

Just don't grow up too fast.