Thursday, November 25, 2010


I am so thankful that it is warming up.  It has been freezing the past couple of days and I have not liked it at all.  In the afternoons we walk to the bus stop to pick up Caleb.  I suppose we could drive on days that it is -35 but I don't like warming up the van and getting the kids in their car seats just to drive for under 2 minutes and waiting for about 5.  (On the plus side-Caleb's bus driver is never late.  In fact she is usually early.  We are lucky that his stop is at the beginning of the route both in the morning and afternoon.)  If we are out at the time we need to pick him up, we will drive and both Sophie and Silas complain the entire time we are waiting.  So we bundle up and walk.  Of course Sophie and  Silas are nice and bundled in boots, ski pants and all the rest.  And then they get to sit in the nice covered stroller with an extra blanket on top.  So really, it's just me who gets cold.

**As a side note....I know Sophie is too old for a stroller and most of the time she does walk.  But sometimes she likes to sit beside Silas.  Besides, if someone offered to push me around in a stroller, I would probably take them up on the offer. ;)

Friday, November 12, 2010

I ♥ cloth

I never used cloth diapers with Caleb or Sophie but after getting some information from a couple of friends who were using cloth and really liking it, I decided to try with Silas.  Who knew how many different kinds there were-or how much fun I could have buying them!  I love the ones with the prints and recently ordered some from Rainshine designs for Christmas.  I have to say-I love, love, love them!

I'm not sure why he needs a fancy diaper, since he usually has pants on, but they sure are cute.